Day 15 – Lynn Canyon 

Keen to get out of the city today we planned to explore some of the hills, woods and suspension bridges just to the north of Vancouver. Capilano suspension bridge is the famous and very spectacular bridge, but it looked very much on the coach trip/ cruise ship tourist trail. When I realised that Lynn Canyon also had a suspension bridge and it was free, we took the cheapskates’ option instead.

It was well worth it. The forest was absolutely beautiful.

The bridge was suitably wobbly, high up and Indiana Jones-like. I daren’t get my phone out to take a picture while crossing for fear of dropping it! The water was 50m below.

Further on we reached a lovely swimming spot. Next to the shallow pool was a 30ft deep pool in a small crack in the rocks. Guys were jumping from 30 ft up and doing back flips in from the lower rocks, barely missing the cliff face each time.

Further into the woods we found this odd structure, and reading the handy ‘interpretive’ display nearby, discovered that it was a replica of a log flume that was used to transport logs from the lake where they were stored down the the valley and on to the city. Locals used to ride the logs to save them a long walk down, inspiring the log flume theme park ride. Sadly the replica didn’t have any water in it, so wasn’t nearly as fun.

The lake didn’t have any fish in it either, but it was a good spot to soak up the sun.

Lake, river, mountain views, forest. I’m happy.